
Benin has a population of 9,598,787 people, Benin's capital city is Porto-Novo and largest city Cotonou.

Benin personel income per capita $736, jobless rate 4.00% and its currency West African CFA franc (XOF) . Benin official languages and mostly spoken dialects are French, Fon, Yoruba, ethnics groups : 39.2% Fon, 15.2% Adja, 12.3% Yoruba, 9.2% Bariba, 7.0% Fula, 6.1% Ottamari, 4.0% Yoa/Lokpa, 2.5% Dendi, 1.6% other, 2.9% unspecified.


Benin Flag Where is Benin in the World
  • Baskent : Porto-Novo
  • N�fus : 9,598,787
  • GDP : $7.306 billion
  • Kisi Basi Milli Gelir : $736
  • Uluslarasi Tel Kod : +229
  • Issizlik Orani : 1.00%
  • Alan : 112,622 km2 (101st) 43,484 sq mi
  • En Kalabalik Sehir : Cotonou
  • Baskan : Yayi Boni
  • Basbakan : Pascal Koupaki
  • D�viz Kuru : West African CFA franc (XOF)
  • Saat Dilimi : +1
  • Internet Ext. : .bj
  • Enflasyon Orani : 7.20%
  • Faiz Orani : 4.00%
  • Kamu Borcu GDP : 18.80%
  • Diller : French, Fon, Yoruba
  • Etnik K�ken : 39.2% Fon, 15.2% Adja, 12.3% Yoruba, 9.2% Bariba, 7.0% Fula, 6.1% Ottamari, 4.0% Yoa/Lokpa, 2.5% Dendi, 1.6% other, 2.9% unspecified
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Benin, 112,622 km2 (101st) 43,484 sq mi , GMH (Gayrisafi Milli Hasila) $7.306 billion. Benin baskan Yayi Boni ve basbakan Pascal Koupaki.

Benin Economy

Benin GDP : $7.306 billion, Per Capita : $736
Jobless Rate : 1.00% , Currency : West African CFA franc (XOF)
Inflation Rate : 7.20% , Interest Rate : 4.00%
Debt GDP : 18.80% , Internet Ext. : .bj
Calling Code : +229 , Time Zone : +1

Benin Geography & Climate

Benin Demographics & Ethnicity

Benin Population : 9,598,787, Area : 112,622 km2 (101st) 43,484 sq mi
Benin Capital : Porto-Novo, Largest City : Cotonou
Languages : French, Fon, Yoruba, Ethnicity : 39.2% Fon, 15.2% Adja, 12.3% Yoruba, 9.2% Bariba, 7.0% Fula, 6.1% Ottamari, 4.0% Yoa/Lokpa, 2.5% Dendi, 1.6% other, 2.9% unspecified.

Benin Goverment & Military

Benin President : Yayi Boni, Prime Minister : Pascal Koupaki

Benin Religion & Culture

Benin History

Benin, 112,622 km2 (101st) 43,484 sq mi , GMH (Gayrisafi Milli Hasila) $7.306 billion. Benin baskan Yayi Boni ve basbakan Pascal Koupaki.

Benin Economy

Benin GDP : $7.306 billion, Per Capita : $736
Jobless Rate : 1.00% , Currency : West African CFA franc (XOF)
Inflation Rate : 7.20% , Interest Rate : 4.00%
Debt GDP : 18.80% , Internet Ext. : .bj
Calling Code : +229 , Time Zone : +1

Benin Geography & Climate

Benin Demographics & Ethnicity

Benin Population : 9,598,787, Area : 112,622 km2 (101st) 43,484 sq mi
Benin Capital : Porto-Novo, Largest City : Cotonou
Languages : French, Fon, Yoruba, Ethnicity : 39.2% Fon, 15.2% Adja, 12.3% Yoruba, 9.2% Bariba, 7.0% Fula, 6.1% Ottamari, 4.0% Yoa/Lokpa, 2.5% Dendi, 1.6% other, 2.9% unspecified.

Benin Goverment & Military

Benin President : Yayi Boni, Prime Minister : Pascal Koupaki

Benin Religion & Culture

Benin History

Benin Nerede & Benin Haritasi

Benin Haritasi

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Alfabetik olarak Benin & Benin Sehirler ve N�fusu

Porto Nova haritasi - Cotonou haritasi -