Bosna Hersek

Bosna Hersek has a population of 3,839,737 people, Bosna Hersek's capital city is Sarajevo and largest city Sarajevo.

Bosna Hersek personel income per capita $4,618, jobless rate 7.00% and its currency Convertible mark (BAM) . Bosna Hersek official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, ethnics groups : 48% Bosniaks, 37% Serbs, 14% Croats, 0.6% other.

Bosna Hersek

Bosna Hersek Flag Where is Bosna Hersek in the World
  • Baskent : Sarajevo
  • N�fus : 3,839,737
  • GDP : $17.965 billion
  • Kisi Basi Milli Gelir : $4,618
  • Uluslarasi Tel Kod : +387
  • Issizlik Orani : 44.38%
  • Alan : 51,197 km2 (127th) 19,741 sq mi
  • En Kalabalik Sehir : Sarajevo
  • Baskan : Valentin Inzko
  • Basbakan : Vjekoslav Bevanda
  • D�viz Kuru : Convertible mark (BAM)
  • Saat Dilimi : +1
  • Internet Ext. : .ba
  • Enflasyon Orani : 1.60%
  • Faiz Orani : 7.00%
  • Kamu Borcu GDP : 40.63%
  • Diller : Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
  • Etnik K�ken : 48% Bosniaks, 37% Serbs, 14% Croats, 0.6% other
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Bosna Hersek, 51,197 km2 (127th) 19,741 sq mi , GMH (Gayrisafi Milli Hasila) $17.965 billion. Bosna Hersek baskan Valentin Inzko ve basbakan Vjekoslav Bevanda.

Bosna Hersek Economy

Bosna Hersek GDP : $17.965 billion, Per Capita : $4,618
Jobless Rate : 44.38% , Currency : Convertible mark (BAM)
Inflation Rate : 1.60% , Interest Rate : 7.00%
Debt GDP : 40.63% , Internet Ext. : .ba
Calling Code : +387 , Time Zone : +1

Bosna Hersek Geography & Climate

Bosna Hersek Demographics & Ethnicity

Bosna Hersek Population : 3,839,737, Area : 51,197 km2 (127th) 19,741 sq mi
Bosna Hersek Capital : Sarajevo, Largest City : Sarajevo
Languages : Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Ethnicity : 48% Bosniaks, 37% Serbs, 14% Croats, 0.6% other.

Bosna Hersek Goverment & Military

Bosna Hersek President : Valentin Inzko, Prime Minister : Vjekoslav Bevanda

Bosna Hersek Religion & Culture

Bosna Hersek History

Bosna Hersek, 51,197 km2 (127th) 19,741 sq mi , GMH (Gayrisafi Milli Hasila) $17.965 billion. Bosna Hersek baskan Valentin Inzko ve basbakan Vjekoslav Bevanda.

Bosna Hersek Economy

Bosna Hersek GDP : $17.965 billion, Per Capita : $4,618
Jobless Rate : 44.38% , Currency : Convertible mark (BAM)
Inflation Rate : 1.60% , Interest Rate : 7.00%
Debt GDP : 40.63% , Internet Ext. : .ba
Calling Code : +387 , Time Zone : +1

Bosna Hersek Geography & Climate

Bosna Hersek Demographics & Ethnicity

Bosna Hersek Population : 3,839,737, Area : 51,197 km2 (127th) 19,741 sq mi
Bosna Hersek Capital : Sarajevo, Largest City : Sarajevo
Languages : Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Ethnicity : 48% Bosniaks, 37% Serbs, 14% Croats, 0.6% other.

Bosna Hersek Goverment & Military

Bosna Hersek President : Valentin Inzko, Prime Minister : Vjekoslav Bevanda

Bosna Hersek Religion & Culture

Bosna Hersek History

Bosna Hersek Nerede & Bosna Hersek Haritasi

Bosna Hersek Haritasi

Bosna Hersek Image Gallery

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